Conbextra BB92 FC524478-25KG

Conbextra BB92
Typical Applications
- Structural grouted connections for onshore wind turbine foundations and non-structural offshore foundation connections
- Non-shrink
- High flexural strength and modulus of elasticity without the addition of fibres, enhancing the flow characteristics of the grout.
- Quick return to service and removal of temporary supports due to high early strength build-up, even at low temperatures.
- High fatigue resistance
- Suitable for pumping or pouring over a large range of applications.
- No segregation or bleeding to ensure consistent final physical performance and to prevent pump blockages.
- 28 day strength @ 20°C dependent on consistency (cube samples) : 90-100MPa
- Application method : Pump or pour
- Flexural Strength (modulus of rupture) @ 28 days : 13 Mpa
- Flow characteristics @ 20°C (depending on gap size) (flow trough) : 450mm flow trough 700mm brass cone
- Gap size : 10 mm to 150mm
- Service temperature : >200°C
- Typical hardness Shore 'A' : 5 hours